Wednesday, August 1, 2012


So it turns out that the third version of B/W comes out in October.  Or at least, it would have been a third version, but the games are too fundamentally split to combine.  Instead, the "third" version will be Black v2/White v2.

Rather than play two Unova games in a row, and risk region burnout as with Sinnoh in Platinum, I'll probably just wait until October and get White v2.  And it's probably best to start with a new cartridge, so there's no prep to do before starting the game.

Also, I'm not sure what happened to that second cartridge of LG.  As far as I can tell from the entries here, I was intending to trade it in to fund the purchase of FR -- but I don't remember if I actually DID, nor is there anything here saying so.

Looking more closely at Emerald, I had just three -- three! -- Pokemon left to complete the National 'Dex in Emerald:  Crawdaunt, Cradilly, and Armaldo.  That answers the question of why I was raising a Crawdaunt in FR, and where that Magikarp in the party came from in Emerald II.

With just a little more work and some trading, then, I should be able to pick up my two Hoenn starters.  There might be some second evo's that I'll have to catch/obtain again, but hopefully that won't take too long.

It seems I still need to Pal Park my Entei up to Pearl;  while I'm at it I should take a look at Platinum to see how much it'd take to clear that out.  Maybe I'll only take the main team and the legendaries (did I ever catch Mesprit? do I care?)  Unfortunately, I'll need another DS to clear out the cartridge, but my finances at the moment are such that I shouldn't even consider buying one unless I sell something else to do it.

DS Lite:  new $79, refurb $69
White v2:  $35
Trade-in value of FR, Sapphire, and Emerald II: ??

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