Monday, October 4, 2010

Emerald II to Lavaridge

Before leaving Mauville, I did some trading, exchanging Hemmingway and that nameless Zigzagoon for Samson and a Phanpy from my original Emerald game.  I forgot to name the Phanpy before sending him over, though.  If I take him all the way to the E4 I'll have to fix that, so he's recorded as Roland and not just as PHANPY. 

While I was trading I also sent Sybil back and forth, to get 'Dex credit for Kirlia.  So now she can evolve after she learns Future Sight;  I'm figuring on a moveset of Calm Mind, Psychic, Future Sight, and possibly an off-type attack to replace Confusion.

That gave me a couple more 'Dex entries in the original Emerald, where I took the time to get Hemmingway raised to a Slaking.  I took him to the Move Deleter to forget Cut, so his final moveset was Faint Attack, Slash, Yawn, and....I forget if I replaced Slack Off with something else.  Hmm.

Anyway, with all that out of the way, I hit the road north from Mauville, fighting trainers as I went.  Only, I forgot:  you can't get into the desert at that point in the game, because you need the Go-Goggles, and you only get those after beating the Lavaridge Gym.  So I crept through the Fiery Path, slogged around through Spinda-infested volcanic ash to Fallarbor.  On the way I caught a Skarmory, who took most of my stock of Pokeballs to capture.  I named him Knives, and put him in my Specials box to be an HM slave later.

Perhaps to balance that out, I caught a Solrock almost straight off upon entering Meteor Falls.  There was the little scene with Prof. Cozmo, Team Magma, and Team Aqua;  then I was free to exit the caves and head towards Rt. 115.  Without Surf, I couldn't hit that northern patch of grass where the Jigglypuff are, but I fought the trainers on the way south to Rustboro, then headed back around to Mt. Chimney and got the Metorite back from Team Magma.  Did a loop down Jagged Pass to fight the trainers there, then back up to Lavaridge, where I got the Wynaut Egg from the old lady.

So the next thing will be the Lavaridge Gym.  The team is all around lvl 30, but I'm anticipating a hard battle.  Sancho has no water attacks yet, and Roland only really has Rock Smash that's super-effective.  I should probably teach him Dig before I try my luck against Flannery.

After that, I can swing down to Fallarbor to return the Meteorite to Prof. Cozmo, then hit the Desert.

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